Good Reads

I recently received an invitation to join a friend on which got me thinking about books and my favorites (not a hard thing to do). I love to read and can easily get lost in a book, my second favorite is to talk to another book lover about books and authors that we love~~my college lit courses were like visiting heaven!
I have had books and authors running around in my head, keeping me up at night and the early morning ever since (thanks Shirley!). So I thought I would share some of my tops~let's say, five of my favorite authors:

One: L.M. Montgomery: "Anne of Green Gables" this series from my childhood~and forever after~started the fire burning. I was Anne, and I fell in love with her heart and the beauty of P.E.I.
Two: Fannie Flagg: "Fried Green Tomatoes", "Standing in the Rainbow" All of my favorite things wrapped up in one package, humor, stories from the south, strong women, history, mystery....
Three: Jane Kirkpatrick "All Together in One Place", an Oregon author who has the talent to put you in the shoes of those she writes about. I met her in person~a great lady.
Four: Bill Bryson "A Walk in the Woods", anytime a book can make me laugh out loud, it's a keeper!
Five: Stephen King "Pet Cemetery", "The Stand", Okay, so I know he's a little creepy, but I just have a creepy side, and I love the way he makes his characters real-I know these people-boy, that's scary!

Hope this gets your reading juices flowing~let me know your fav's~I love a good suggestion!!


  1. OK-
    I need to know your secret. I love to read too, but I am spending so much of that time blogging!

    What is the solution?
    How about not worry about it?


    thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my blog- SISTER


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