Daily Inspirations

I've been thinking about this blogging thing lately, how it is such a big part of my life now, like an addiction: I look at it every day, think about what to blog during the day and think about other blogs I have read. It's taken the place of daytime TV (the Today show, Oprah-well the re-runs anyway). It's a good thing and a bad thing I guess. It's interesting that even tho I am sitting here in my little cramped apartment in a city of thousands, I feel connected to others through the wonder of the internet. Does it take the place of "real" human interaction? If I didn't have this would I be out making connections in real life, or just sitting here being depressed about not knowing anyone? Hmmmm...
Anyway, I thought I would put down my thoughts about how blogging has affected me~
It allows me to burn up some of my creativity, by designing the page and all, I know there are those out there that do it "for real" and I don't compare myself to them, it's just fun to tinker with things on here!
I have "met" some amazing women and gained insights to my own life by reading their ponderings. I've also kept in touch with friends I love, that I may not otherwise have been a part of their happenings~so cool! Like Katie B, we met in college at TVCC so many years ago (13 to be exact) she was Katie P then, and formed a wonderful friendship. It's been fun to watch her find a guy, get married and now her cute kids are growing up. I remember sitting on the porch swing on the front porch of the old farm house in Imbler talking about guys-how do you know which one is "the" one! Now I get to peek in on her life and still feel connected. I love following my cousin Cristi on her world travels, living vicariously!
Of course seeing pictures and keeping up with my kids and grandkids is an added bonus. That Meggie is so dang cute! I miss Rachel and her (Casey too) so much it hurts sometimes. I saw a girl walking down the street yesterday that looked like Rachel; same body shape, same hair style and color, (until I got closer and she wasn't as cute) but I immediately broke out in tears; you crazy old woman, I told myself, pull yourself together! (It must be hormones). Anyway, I digress...
Then there are those who I follow that I have never met, only through the blog-world, but they are instant friends. Some of my favorites to read you may enjoy as well:
The Confessions of a Pioneer Woman: I love Ree's take on life from the perspective of an Oklahoma ranch wife-so fun! Livin' Louisiana: Since I can't just jump on a plane and get there, this is the next best thing, she spreads the spicy flavor of that part of the south so well, and an added bonus to find out we are connected by our shared religious belief! NieNieDailogues: I feel honored to get a glimpse into the life of this courageous woman, who is recovering (along with her husband) from a horrible plane crash. I think of her so often when I think I have problems and wish for her strength. I pray for her recovery and comfort~this is one of the tender mercies of this blogging experience: my faith and spirituality has been strengthened by praying for a complete stranger~but a stranger no longer. The Haystack of Light: I found Krista through another blog (strange how I can find myself wandering through blogs and end up thinking "how did I get here?") this girl has spunk, creativity, and talent! I love reading about her life and gaining a stronger testimony of my Savior through her words. Segullah: this is a blog connected to a newsletter written by LDS women, always insightful and like this morning, made me cry like a baby with a touching post from a woman who is losing her mother.
So those are a few of my daily inspirations, people that keep me connected and moving on through this wonderful life.


  1. When I am away from a computer for a weekend or holiday and come back to the blog world it's amazing all of the things that I am missing. It really is a different world and one that can influence us greatly. I'm working on being able to post our videos on the blog.....hopefully tonight! :)

  2. Rebecca:
    I've been thinking about this new world of blogging lately, also. I love that I've come to really know some people that I otherwise would just have a passing relationship with. When you're able to read what someone writes day and and day out, you get a more true picture of what they are within. I also love that we can stay in touch with those that we've known FOREVER! :) Yes, we go way back. I love to watch your kids grow...still can't believe they have kids of their own. I still remember going to watch Draper at a football game...he seemed so grownup then. And Rachel and Nattie...they were so sweet when I was living with you before you'd leave for Montana. They'd rescue me from the Devil Cat! (Still gives me chills). We were in Imbler the other day...I had to look over at your old house. I sure do miss that place and the wonderful people that used to live there.

    Thanks for continuing to blog...I think it helps us care even more for those we love...even for those that we've never met (like NieNie and Nelson and their wonderful family).

    BTW, we'll be in PDX at the end of June and near the end of August...I'll send you the info later. I'd LOVE to see you!

  3. Ditto. I LOVE nienie and pioneer woman! I need my daily dose. I love it when nienie posts and wish they were not so far apart because she is such an inspiration to me. I find myself thinking "If Stephanie can deal with what she does, I can certainly do this little thing I need to do!" I am so envious of Ree in NYC right now. . . I love that place. As I look at her blog while she's there, it's like "hey, I know that place, I've been there," etc. I often tell Steve, when he asks what I am doing, "just checking out other blogs." There are lots of inspiring people out there!

  4. I miss you. I'm thankful for your addiction...It's my escape from my frenzied world.

  5. I love reading blogs! I follow your blog and that of Draper and Rachel. I love knowing what you all are doing, and feeling that somehow we are all closer in distance.
    I do have a bit of a time coming up with stuff to put on my blog however.
    Love you all!

  6. my mommy- how wonderful you are to me! i love you so much and you keep me grownded. i depend on your advice so much and i don't know what i will do when i leave for college and can't see you everyday. we really are like peas in a pod and you have been my best friend, mentor, and mother through all my failed friendships. we have the most fun just laughing about silly things and i love going places and having people know right away that we are related because you are a wonderful person and i would be lucky to be like you someday.. i hope i am half as good a mother as you, and my children will be lucky to have you as a grandmother. i love you so much and am thankful for you everyday.

  7. thanks for your comment on my blog. I know you are now in Washington, but you are "from" Oregon. And btw, I hope to get such a great comment as the one above from Natalie. I'm not sure I'm fully appreciated yet : )

  8. I don't know how I missed this post on your blog! I'm so honored and humbled that you would even put me in the same list as PW and Nie. I often feel (and wonder) like you do about this blogging thing (hence the almost 7-day hiatus I've taken this week). But I always come back to it and to my friends (like you) that I've made. It's such a wonderful world, isn't it? I love "popping in" on your life here. And to think ... w/o blogging we would never have met. :)

    Thanks again for the mention and for reading!

    Have a fabulous day!


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