
Why do I have so much laundry~I can never get it all done~when only 3 people live in this house?
Why are the dishes never done~when only 3 people live in this house?
Why are sprouts better for you than Little Debbie Swiss Rolls?
Why does my bladder lose control when it sees the toilet?
Why do you have to fill out an application and a resume for a job?  Why not just say "hey I would be really good at this job, please hire me", and they do?
Why does my list of acceptable foods keep getting smaller?
Why do I always leave my coupons at home?
Why can't I find the spell-check on this thing anymore???

Just a few things that have been keeping me up at night!


  1. Kathy...your weathervane stealing buddyOctober 9, 2009 at 5:53 PM

    Amen Sister!!! andwhy are my tricyclerides so darn high!!!!!!!!!! couldn't be all the donuts and klondike bars lately....oh and cheesecake. I eat almonds and good stuff, but I guess it doesn't cancel out the bad....

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself. And I must add that most online applications also want you to come up with essay questions describing your skills and qualifications all while requiring a bachelors degree.
    Talk about devaluing education.


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