
I have a lot of excuses for why I haven't blogged for months: I don't have a good camera, I have a pretty dull life, my computer died, I'm broke, but I'm sure no one is interested in the excuses (I imagine there aren't a lot of people who are interested in my blog to begin with, but that won't stop me). I went into Sprint to complain about my service and came out with a free tablet, so until I am no longer broke and the computer is fixed I will tap away on this little keyboard, trying to document our life.
I've been slowly but steadily making quilt tops from mostly scraps.  They tend to all look alike, and I seem to have a lot of pink fabric. I don't remember ever buying pink fabric on purpose,  but there it is, all throughout the scrappy quilts. Kind of makes me think about other things in my life that keep popping up even though I don't purposely go looking for them-good and bad-and I don't notice until later when I look back over my life, "oh here it is, and here, where did that come from? Here I am in this situation again, or look here and here this is where I was off track or this is when I was listening to the Spirit. "  That's one of the reasons why I love quilting,  it connects to life in many different ways. It's not just about cutting up fabric and sewing it together,
 Here is my first Swoon block. I love this pattern by Camille Roskelly "Thimbleblossoms".
 My first try at a String quilt. I paper pieced, using mostly scraps-see all the pink?

St. Nicholas cross stitch to add to my Santa collection.  It's not completely finished,  I still need to find smaller beads for the snowflakes,  these look like snowballs. Then it needs pressed before it gets framed. Or put in the "someday these will get framed" box.


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