So I have a little catching up to do~I've gotten out of the habit of blogging and I need to get back in the groove~I didn't take pictures of everything we did this weekend, but here are a couple from the Farmer's Market in Vancouver. Gorgeous birds who are happy to ride around on this guys shoulders.

Our "Soap Lady" Kathy from
Farm Maid Soap, we've been visiting her booth and buying her soap for a couple of years now, you could say we're "regulars". It is wonderful, it's all we use. She is planning a trip to China to teach Tibetan women how to make soap from their Yak milk. You can visit her site to learn more-so cool!

My first project for my Etsy site, a small baby quilt from Moda's Central Park line.

I think it needs more quilting~

This is my dream quilt that I started last summer. I finished the top and then waited till I could afford to get it quilted. That was a whole year of waiting. I took it to Dell Drake (Dell-lightful Quilts) who has a shop just down the street from us. I love doing things locally and she does an awesome job!

These are Amy Butler fabrics, (I can't remember the name of the line) and the pattern is Turning 20 Again, a very easy strip quilt.

Love love love them!

This is a top I put together years ago-maybe 2007-and finally had it quilted this summer. The pattern is Yellow Brick Road, an easy strip project.

It feels so good to get things done, it makes me want to sew, sew, sew!
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