Lost It

I'm home again, not by my choice but I am glad to be here. I wasn't " a good fit" for the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District (according to my supervisor) and I was let-go during my 6 month probationary period. Bummer. I didn't love the job, but was willing to put up with it because I loved getting a paycheck and I thought eventually I could transfer to another position that I would like better. Well, no such luck.
All the trite sayings have been going through my head: When life gives you lemons...,God never closes a door...,Bloom where you're planted...,(not sure that one fits) but I am trying to make the best of it and make lemonade, look for the open window and bloom!
It's really hard, even at my age, when someone tells you you're not good enough to keep motivated and not get stuck in the poor me's. I keep telling myself "well, it's their loss!" And move on.
So moving on will involve things I love: Taking care of our home, sewing, crafting, children and grandchildren, friends and family. I am in the process of opening an Etsy shop, and finding my niche in the crafting world.
I'm trying to look for the blessing in this small trial. Some blessings that have been sprinkled throughout my days so far:
*Talking to Rachel and the girls on Skype in the middle of the day for as long as I want.
*Helping Sara with a sewing project and reading to the boys.
*Not feeling hurried or tired.
*Making real dinners.
*Having fun times with Natie-our laughing trips!
*Getting more exercise.
I need a good name for my craft/sewing business-any ideas?


  1. I like having my mom back too :) I really like the name of your blog for your business too..I can't remember where you got it from. I thought it was funny, when casey got home Megan told him that "grandma came today!"

  2. Hi, Rebecca. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Yes, selling crafts from home is really fun and rewarding, but it is a lot of work. I did a lot of research before I opened my shop, but I still didn't realize how much work it is until I actually opened up. :) And I'm still learning so much! Good luck with your shop!

    P.S. It's always nice to find another Jimmy Stewart fan. :)



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