We spent the weekend here...Gearhart by the sea...it was your typical spring coast weather, but that's okay. I love to watch the ocean anytime of year.

We took a side trip on the way home to one of our favorite places. (Note: Calvin is holding a bag of squeaky cheese!)
Calvin, Rebecca, and Janet

While Janet, Natalie and I were taking a walk on the beach we noticed a lump of something..hmmm..as we got closer we saw it was a seal pup, we thought at first that it was dead, but then we saw and read the sign

He was just taking a little rest! He was so dang cute! It was hard to stay back, I was so tempted to go up to him and snuggle.

We never saw the mama come back, I hope she did. It seems mighty irresponsible of her to just go off fishing like that, and leave her baby on the sand-with all sorts of dangers lurking about. Sometimes Mother Nature is so cruel and harsh!
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