Fourth Fun
I'm a little slow at getting our 4th activites on here. I guess it's the summertime slump, everything seems to slow down~and as for around here not too exciting, not yet anyway, just wait till next week!! 
Olson, Gramps and Natie poppin' the poppers
Isn't he the cutest dang thing? I just want to snuzzle and kiss him, rub my hands through his hair~eat him up~he's starting to get a little too old for all that stuff, but thankfully he still likes to sit on my lap "Grandma sit down so I can sit on you" my favorite words. (Yes, I'm talking about Olson not Gramps!)
Here is our treasure from the Farmer's Market, my favorite Saturday activity. Goat's Milk Soap~the best, you gotta try! and newly dried lavender hmmm, wish you could smell.

Olson, Gramps and Natie poppin' the poppers

please come any time! do you cook light and healthy meals? That's the part of my new exercise program that seems to get me frazzled! Just saw your other blog and I love it! I really love the link you have to Kath's blog. I'm doing a sort-of Body for Life program right now, too, and I LOVE the lifting part. I do the cardio because I know it's good for me, but I don't love it like I do the resistance part