Big Shoes to fill

We found him! Every now and then I think about Paul Bunyan--the statue I remember from my childhood. I grew up in north Portland (the corner of Fiske and Harvard for anyone familiar with the place) and I have many great memories from that time. We moved away when I was 13 to the "dry" side of the state. I love to go back to my old neighborhood, it's great to visit the past--everything is so much smaller! What's the deal?! All except Paul, Paul is as big as I remember him! We use to go eat at a restaurant near here and I was always so entranced by Paul, I loved him. I remember begging my folks to go see Paul. I haven't been back to that sight since we moved away (1973-37yrs!) so I looked it up online and found the directions, and sure enough there was Paul, waiting for me! "Hi Rebecca, glad to see you made it back, I'm still just standing here watching the sights of Portland as they go by" (if he could talk, I'm sure he would say something like that). He was erected in 1959 (the year of my birth--coincidence you say?) and he faces the Expo center.
The restaurant we use to go to is now a strip joint--is nothing sacred? and the MAX line zooms right pass Paul, progress must go on, but it is comforting to me to know that Paul is still standing--watching over the city of Roses!
The restaurant we use to go to is now a strip joint--is nothing sacred? and the MAX line zooms right pass Paul, progress must go on, but it is comforting to me to know that Paul is still standing--watching over the city of Roses!

(I don't know how to flip this picture around--sorry!)
I had a wee bit of a part in moving Paul during the Interstate MAX project. There's a photo log on our internal website (don't think you can get there from but I'll send some photos your way of the big move. It was dramatic - if a bit slow - Paul was draped in construction safety vest the whole way. :)