Baking Day
These are one of our Christmas favorites, they smell sooo good, I wish you could have a whiff of our kitchen right now!
Baking is one of the Christmas traditions that I cherish. It just wouldn't be Christmas without yummy smells coming from the kitchen and piles of goodies to give away and eat!
This always brings memories of my Mom. She was Martha Stewart before there was a Martha Stewart! She would spend days preparing and baking for the holidays. First was the trip to the store to purchase pounds and pounds of butter, dates, nuts, coconut, cherries, chocolate, etc. and then the baking could begin. I was enlisted to help with the endless chopping, mixing and taste testing! She would have containers full of different cookies and breads that she would keep in the freezer to replenish the pretty trays she kept for when company would call. It seemed they never ran out!
Some of my favorites: Cherry Date Holiday Rolls, Brandy Cookies, Coconut Cherry Drops, Ritzy crackers, Fondant swirls, Date Pinwheels and yes, Fruitcake!!
I try to recreate the memory every year, but it never seems to be just the same. I guess it is the perspective of childhood that makes it seem so much better.
Happy Baking to you all!!
Mmmm...can I come over? I'd love the recipe for the soft ginger cookies! They sound delicious.